My friend James invited me on a roadtrip to help move him, his fiancé Jackie, & their dog down to San Antonio. On the way we decided to spend a night in Virginia (at a friend’s house), Nashville, & New Orleans.
Trip Video

New Jersey
The first leg of the trip was to go to their apartment in New Jersey to pack up their apartment. We soon figured out that loading a U-Haul effectively is an art & it is an art that we weren't very good at. We did manage to get most of the stuff in so I call that a win.
One of our friends recently moved to Virginia with his fiancé so we visited them for a night. After a delicious home-cooked meal, we went to the movies to see the It. Although the movie was mehhh, it ended up spurring a trip full of It jokes, listening to the audio book, & the rewatching of the original mini-series.
A day of driving later, we ended up in Nashville. We got there pretty late at night & had to leave early in the morning so we only had time to do one thing, arguably the most important thing, eat BBQ!
New Orleans
Another long day of driving landed us in New Orleans just in time to go to bed. The next morning we got brunch & walked around the city for a bit before making a making our way to Texas.
Our first stop in Texas was Houston where stopped for dinner at an ice house which is apparently unique to Texas & is basically an open air bar. From there we headed to Jackie's family house in Hondo. Jackie's family live in a ranch style house complete with two horses, a tractor, & a whole bunch of piglets.
We stayed with her family for a couple of nights then drove toward her brother's house in Midlothian -- a quaint city south of Dallas. All this driving through Texas made me realize how big, flat, & full of copy & paste house communities the state is.
The last couple days of the trip we spent exploring San Antonio. I really liked the city, from it having the historical Alamo on a random city block to the riverwalk cutting through the city. The riverwalk is one of my favorite city features that I have seen on my travels. Lined with restaurants, bars, & clubs, it is a scenic and fun place to hangout.
Back Home
Thankfully the trip was a one way roadtrip & I flew back home. Texas was awesome & I'm glad I have someone to visit down there because I definitely want to go back soon.