They say a picture is worth 1000 words but when it comes to an infrastructure diagram, it is actually worth 1000 frustrating sessions of trying to explain how all your backend resources fit together to your teammates. Although our CDK code is very readable (you are writing nice clean code right š), let's useĀ cfn-diagramĀ andĀĀ to generate a diagram for us.
Initialize Project
Let's reuse the chat app project from last week.
% git clone cdk-infra-diagram && cd $_ % cd backend % npm install
Add Dependencies
% npm i -D @mhlabs/cfn-diagram
Add Scripts
// backend/package.json { "scripts": { ... "generate:diagram": "cfn-dia -t cdk.json -c -o diagram.drawio && drawio diagram.drawio -o diagram.png && rm diagram.drawio", "generate:diagram:html": "cfn-dia html", } }
You can specify specific stacks to render by passing them in using theĀ --stacksĀ argument. You can also exclude certain resource types usingĀ -e.
Add Diagram to README
// backend/ ... # Diagram ![Infrastructure Diagram](diagram.png) ...
Final Thoughts
This is a nice, easy way to generate an infrastructure diagram. If you aren't happy with how it looks, you can try filtering some of the resources or break the diagram by stack. There are also paid diagram creators likeĀ CloudCraftĀ which generate really cool diagrams.